Audio and Video Tag

Photo by Seth Doyle on Unsplash

Audio and Video Tag


this tag we will use when we suppose to include an audio file on the page of the website or document. The audio tag contains one more tag as " source " . The browser will choose the first source it supports.

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< video src = " filename.mp4 " with="xx.px" > -------text---- < /video> here in the attribute of the video tag we use are. autopay ==> if you want you automatically start playing when a user visits your website. controls ==> if you want control options in the video which you used on the website. loop ==> if you want key your video starts playing in a loop. like if playing for the first time is completed then it starts automatically again play then we use a loop. muted ==> after using this you see your video starts as muted but still you have the option to unmute it. poster ==> this we use if we want any " thumbnail ".