Input Elements ( Form Input) In Html

Input Elements ( Form Input) In Html

  1. So Input elements are basically used to create the interactive control for the website.
  2. Mainly used to make a form kind of things.
  3. < input> is the syntax for that.
  4. it has many types we will see that later for example

< input type=" text " id = "name" placeholder= " Enter Full Name " >

here place holder is basically use to show the Demeo name to help user to get the idea about what actually he has to write in the text field.

let's see more types -->

type = "......................."

  1. button --> It is basically used for use button in the form so you might see the login pages of any websites or any google forms or many more.

  2. checkbox --> This type is basically used where you have many options to select for a question. Or to make multiple choice questions forms we can you this checkbox type of input.

  3. color --> This type is used to select the color.

  4. date --> This is used to get the date as input from the user.

  5. datetime-local --> this type is basically used to get the date, and time both but with no time zone.

  6. email --> this type is used to get the Gmail account as input in any kind of form. And note-> don't forget to use @ in it else you get the invalid email error.

  7. hidden -> the input values which you don't want to display on the screen but you need to get from the user.

  8. image-> this type is used to get input as an image.

  9. month --> we can use this type for taking input of month along with year from the user while filling any form or anything. ( No time zone is there we get ).

  10. number --> use to get the number as input but we can use this for getting the phone number as input also we have std type also to do the same but that std is only meant for taking the phone number as input not to get any number as input so use this for both number or a phone number but std you can use to get only phone numbers only.

  11. file --> this type is to select a file. it uses accept attribute to define the file type.

  12. password --> as same says this type is for getting password as a input.

  13. radio --> to select a single option out of multiple or you might go through the such condition were you need to select one options out of multiple so for that we use this type.

  14. range --> for range marking we use this.

  15. reset -->use for the reset the form .

  16. search --> use to get a search box for or form . it basically take input as a string which you are finding.

  17. summit -> as the name says this we use for submit button.

  18. tel --> as we already discussed in number . this we use to get a triphone number as a input form the user.

  19. time --> this will only take time as input . there's no time zone required here.

  20. url --> to get url as input it might be any website url or anything.

  21. week --> to get number of weeks as input and year control will be also be there.

many more will be there we will see later.......